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Were you at the CSPB 2023 meeting
at U. Laval?
Centre SÈVE was well represented (and so was the CSIPC) this year,
with several talks and posters from students, postdocs and professors
from UQTR, UQAM, UdeS, McGill, ULaval, UQAR and other universities!
We wish to congratulate Charles
Roussin-Léveillée for receiving an honourable mention for the
Ragai Ibrahim Award for his paper on how
bacteria use conserved effectors to create an aqueous environment in the
leaf apoplast, he also received the Prix Relève Étoile from
FRQNT for the same paper. Bravo, Charles!!!
Charles research supervisor and Centre SÈVE’s director Peter
Moffet received the Mary Spencer Award for his outstanding
research and outreach in the plant biology community. Congratulations,
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Concurrent session on plant-microbe interaction.
Did you know Centre SÈVE’s summer school this year was in Morocco?
Yes, the Mohammed VI
Polytechnic University hosted several Centre SÈVE students and
professors for this extraordinary learning opportunity.
Gazal, our vice-president, and Prabhjot
Sanghera, our secretary, taught about their projects, visited the
area and learned about the Moroccan culture.
here to read a bit more about their experience.

We’d like to welcome our new secretary Prabhjot
Sanghera, who is doing his Master’s at McGill University, and our
new treasurer Charlotte
Blasi, who is finishing her doctorate degree at the Université
With a full committee, we now can plan the year. We look forward to
seeing you at the Canadian Society
of Plant Biology at Quebec City in June!
With the new year, it is time to renovate our committee!
On February 23rd, we welcomed to CPICS Arghavan
Arjmandi and Valeria
Parra, as VP Communications, Rohith
Grandhi and Ayoub
Bouhadada, as VP Networking, and Arnold
William Tazon, as secretary. Welcome again!
Also, our long time secretary, Aracely
Maribel Diaz Garza, stepped up to be president, helped by our
previous VP communication, Snehi
Gazal. Thank you for your leadearship!
We would like to thank the members that are now leaving the committee
for their work these previous years: Nicolas
Sene, Serge
Nouemssi, Théo
Devèze and Jennifer
Paillassa. Karen
Cristine Goncalves, our former secretary, has stepped out of the
position and is now exclusively our web designer. Thank you all for your
Finally, we still have places open for an English-speaking secretary
and treasurers. If you are interested, add your name to our mailing list to receive the link to
our next meeting (April 6th at 15h).